JR said once when we were driving...can you believe we have two kids in the back of our car and we are not bringing them home to their parents!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Peace I am out!!!

It is time for me to grow some facial hair, which is the primary reason for me getting out of the Air Force. Plus the quality of the Air Force isnt what it used to be, not nearly as much discipline and hard nosed values that I was fortunate enough to be subjected to my first few years in. My little boy is crazy but a lot of fun, and hopefully by taking this job now I will gain the experience that I need and be able to set myself and the family up for success down the road. I really don't know what to write, Merriah is making me do this, and then yells at me because I spend 10 minutes a day on the computer (other than the MLB package that I ordered so I get all the games, and get to watch them live on my computer) she still yells at me, here is an example, but not about the computer, she was making me koolaid and Baker was sitting on the counter playing in the sink and he had this nasty brush that we scrub the dishes with and she was filling up the container and running the water so baker sticks the brush under the faucet and the water ran through the nasty brush and into the koolaid... gross huh, so being the kind and understanding husband that I am, I waited a little bit (3 seconds) and as she is still filling up the koolaid like nothing happened I asked her so politely to dump it out... AND THE WAR BEGAN... so I sit here knowing that for the moment she hates me, so I will let her cool off for a little while then apologize and let her know that realize I am the worst husband and father that has ever walked the face of the earth... :-) I have been home ALOT lately and she is definitely getting tired of me being around all the time, but I know she loves me, but as everyone knows too much of JR is never a good thing. So I was just going to write a sentence but it looks more like a book. oh well I will update later!!! but I will finish by saying I have the best wife and son in the world and I wouldn't trade them for anything, unless someone has redskins season tickets, then I will consider... :-) J/K



Blogger Merriah and JR said...

Quote by JR "I asked her so politely to dump it out" LOL I think we have a different understanding of what polite is Honey!

Also Braves games are 2 hours and that takes up a lot of Internet time at night and it is just about EVERY night...LOVE YOU ; )


11:18 AM


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